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SCAP 2.50 John A. Qualtrough
(c) 1990, 1991 Q-Ware Las Cruces, NM
You may skip this if your version of SCAP is already registered ....
SCAP is distributed as Shareware NOT Freeware. If you like SCAP and find it
to be useful, you are asked to pay about $5.00 for a registered copy. With
this registration, you will receive any pending updates and a disk full
of other utilities to make your PC a more useful tool.
Send Check, Money Order, or Cold Hard Cash to:
John A. Qualtrough
315 Linda Vista Rd.
Las Cruces, NM 88005
Questions or comments may be left on:
Waterfront West Wildcat! BBS
300 - 9600 BPS, 24Hrs
(505) - 523 - 4528
Leave [M]essage for John Qualtrough
SCAP no longer accepts the SCAP.ASC path as a command line argument. Instead,
you may invoke SCAP with a numeral 0-3 to change the "hot-key" to one of four
different combinations (see installation section for details).
Frequently, a piece of data is displayed that you wish to save
for later import into a word processor, spread-sheet, or just as a reminder
of something. The SCAP TSR allows you to "pop up" in an application, capture
any desired portion(s) of the current screen into an ASCII file, and then
"pop down" to where you left off. SCAPs ability to capture screen sub-areas
gives you the capability to capture columns of numbers from spreadsheets,
source code samples from documents, or any data which can be displayed on a
text screen. This is extremely handy for importing data between applications,
using code fragments for software developers, etc.
SCAP requires DOS 3.x (or later) and 640K is recommended. SCAP will
automatically use LIM EMS if available which greatly reduces the amount of
DOS RAM used while SCAP is resident. SCAP should only be invoked from a text
screen. SCAP senses the current video mode, and will NOT pop up into graphics
screens. If you invoke SCAP while in a graphics mode, a short "buzz" tone
will be heard indicating that SCAP was unable to pop up.
During a run, SCAP saves screen data into a file called SCAP.ASC which will
be created in the default directory. SCAP is "popped-up" by pressing a key
or keys (called "hot-key") which you may select when installing SCAP.
There are four different combinations included with SCAP that are chosen by
the following methods:
C:\>SCAP (Install using default BOTH SHIFT KEYS)
C:\>SCAP 1 (Select F12 as the SCAP Hot-key)
C:\>SCAP 2 (Select SCROLL LOCK as the SCAP Hot-key)
C:\>SCAP 3 (Select ALT+SPACE as the SCAP Hot-keys)
After installation, SCAP can be called from within any "well behaved"
application. To invoke SCAP press your selected "hot-key(s)". At this time,
the cursor should become a full block. When this occurs, you can move
the cursor to any point on the screen with the cursor arrow (keypad) keys.
To capture portions of the screen, move the cursor to the upper left corner
of the area you wish to capture. Then, using the Ctrl-Right Arrow, move the
cursor to the upper right corner of the desired area. While using the
Ctrl-Right Arrow, you should notice all text passing "under" the cursor
becoming highlighted. Then, press the down arrow to the bottom of the area
to capture. When done, press [Enter]. All text should return to normal and
a small "beep" should be heard. This means the text has been added to the
SCAP.ASC file (see Note 2 below). You may add more portions of the screen
to the file and when done, press [Esc]. SCAP should return to your
application. In addition to capturing sub-regions of the screen, the entire
screen can be captured by pressing the [SysRq] key (sometimes [Alt-SysRq])
from within your application. This will "grab" the entire screen without
invoking SCAP with the usual SHIFTs hot-key (see Note 3 below). On certain PCs,
the SysRq key will not work properly. If this is the case with your system,
you can also use [Ctrl]-[S] to capture the entire screen after SCAP is popped
Certain control keys perform special functions while SCAP is "popped up" :
Up Arrow - Moves cursor Up (see Note 1 below)
Down Arrow - Moves cursor Down if no text is selected.
If a row or portion of a row has already been selected
then this selects the same width on the next row.
Right Arrow - Moves cursor Right (see Note 1)
Left Arrow - Moves cursor Left (see Note 1)
Pg Up - Moves cursor to screen row 1
Pg Dn - Moves cursor to screen row 25
Home - Moves cursor to screen column 1
End - Moves cursor to screen column 80
Ctrl-Right - Selects text under the cursor moving right.
Ctrl-End - Selects all text from current cursor to end-of-line.
Esc - "Pop Down" SCAP and return to application.
Ctrl-P - Purges the SCAP.ASC file while SCAP is active.
Ctrl-C - This will remove SCAP from memory.
WARNING ... You should only attempt this if SCAP was the
last TSR installed, AND only from the DOS prompt.
Ctrl-S - Captures the entire screen and pops down.
Ctrl-Enter - Uses currently selected text as a DOS command.
Note 1: These functions will cause any currently selected text to be
Note 2: Each time text is captured, it is ADDED to the SCAP.ASC file.
If you wish to start "fresh", simply DELete the SCAP.ASC file
or use the Ctrl-P to [P]urge the file while SCAP is active.
Note3: Due to the various implementations of the [SysRq] key, this
feature may not work on all systems.
In addition to capturing screen sections, SCAP can be used to repeat or
execute DOS commands. While popped up, you may select a line or segment of
a line which you wish to execute or pass to your current application. After
selection, use [Ctrl]-[Enter] instead of [Enter] and SCAP will pop down and
"type" your selected text to DOS or the current foreground application.
The following extra "Hot Key" invokes SCAP for a single screen capture:
SysRq - "Hot Key" invokes SCAP, captures entire screen and pops down.
(This may be Alt-SysRq on some systems.)
Software Compatability:
Although SCAP should run under most applications, there are some programs
which are not compatible. Any application which directly accesses hardware
or does not use DOS/BIOS for I/O is possibly incompatible. Sorry, but trial
and error are the best debuggers!